miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Channel School

CHANNEL SCHOOL OF ENGLISH is located in Ilfracombe, a small seaside town on the North Devon coast in the south-west of England. It is an ideal place to learn English, offering a safe, clean and green environment for young people. Channel School of English offers accommodation with local host families where students share day-to-day family activities, giving a unique opportunity for involvement in a different culture and way of life.
Channel School of English is situated in Bicclescombe Park (Ilfracombe town’s major park); with children’s play area, landscaped gardens, public café, lakes and tennis courts, which are used for our Tennis Programme and tennis tournaments.
The school gardens include a decked, covered area where students can congregate and eat their packed lunches at the tables provided. We also have barbecues at lunchtimes where students can purchase hot food and a vending machine for confectionary and cold drinks.
Channel School has an internet area where students can send emails home and have online chats to friends.
Parental controls are in place and use of the internet is free. Places are reserved by writing their name against a 10 minute slot, enough time to email parents or friends.
During lunch breaks students can use our footballs, rugby balls, volleyballs, tennis rackets and balls for use on the park tennis courts. There is no charge for this service, although students are asked to leave their identity cards as a deposit, which is returned once the borrowed items are brought back in good condition. There are other games (such as Casino games, giant Jenga and Connect 4) which students can borrow during breaks.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Survival English

A couple of documents that you have to download and print. They will help you deal with very common situations with the families, at school or in the street.

Useful English Useful English ies.elfontanal9802

Survival English Exchange Programme Survival English Exchange Programme ies.elfontanal9802

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Hemos sido seleccionados!


Efectivamente, tal y como se desprende de la resolución definitiva que ha publicado la Consejería de Educación la semana pasada, 28 alumnos y alumnas de 3º de ESO del IES El Fontanal tendrán la oportunidad de participar en un Intercambio Escolar con un centro educativo del Reino Unido.

Este es el tercer año consecutivo que nuestro centro participa en este enriquecedor programa y desde el Departamento de Inglés lo seguimos afrontando con la máxima ilusión ya que los resultados de los dos años anteriores han sido valorados como muy satisfactorios por toda la comunidad educativa.

Las dos ediciones anteriores nuestro mantuvo intercambio con el instituto londinense de Sir John Cass School, centro con el cual seguimos teniendo contacto permanente y unas excelentes relaciones. Sin embargo la fecha de la convocatoria y ciertas dificultades de la escuela inglesa para llevar a cabo el programa, han hecho que este curso hayamos elegido una fórmula ligeramente diferente para llevar a cabo nuestro programa de Intercambio. Estamos convencidos de que será una experiencia genial para todos los alumnos y alumnas participantes.